What is the best song ever written? you decide!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Empty bottle on my window sill,
downing soda and sleeping pills,
wishing that my life would end,
wishing that the wounds would mend,
all i see is black and white,
all isee is dark as night,
i hold the razor to my wrist,
and i slowly make a fist,
wondering when the night will end,
wondering when i`ll strust a friend
empty bottle on my window sill,
drowning in sorrow and happy pills


Alone again in my room,
stewing in my sorrow and gloom,
I get a buzz but it never lasts,
the happiness is gone so fast,
from the pills i take each day,
i may as well throw them away.
and though i`m looking for something more,
I can never find what i`m looking for.
all i want is just to hide,
from the sorrow deep inside,
but i find comfort in my blood,
makers me forget what i`m running from,
yet still the tears will always flow,
and the gloom will never go.
Here istand with this knife,
O lord please just end my life...

North star

Oh north star, so very bright,
Lighting up my darkest night,
just as you led the shephards three,
to the child the wished top see,
you are showing my broken soul,
to the peices to make it whole,
oh holy spirit, watching over,
as the days grow colder and colder,
you are there to dry my tears,
and lead me from my darkest fears,
lthough nightmares torture my mind,
and i have no place to hide,
the north star is shining bright,
lighting up my darkest night.

This poem only has religious references because i had to write it for a christian ethics project, in all reality i am an athiest. this poem refers to the stars, where i often find hope when i'm lost.


Demons are living in my min,
calling my name all the time,
they haunt and twist,
just shadows in the mist.
maria watches by my door,
i watch her cry and drift through the floor,
i want her to care,
because she's there.
demons follow me to school,
where the kids are so very cruel,
they keep calling out my name,
things will never be the same.
maria's sitting on a chair,
i smile when i see her there,
she looks at me,
then floats so free...


Snow is falling all around,
LAnding beside me on the ground,
I run my hands along the frost,
I think of all the friends i've lost,
as the snow turns to storm,
I lay here a frozen form,
Like the snow my thoughts swirl and twist,
as I think of all I miss,
I see a girl, frozen in time,
I listen to her as she cries,
her mother came to comfort her,
now she lays, alone, unsure,
she walks away into the night,
she folds her arms and says goodbye,
the world to me seems so cruel,
we all obey these stupid rules,
and for what, to die alone?
thats the fate I'll always know...
that little girl left me long ago,
she left and let my hatred flow,
mother left with that girl so strange,
just like me, mother changed
she no longer came to comfort me,
insteqad i cried myself to sleep,
she ignored me when i screamed,
she didn't believe the nightmare dreams,
but when i lay in pools of blood,
she'll love me like no one could,
rain is falling all around, landing above me on the ground...

A gruesome Lymrick

I think bullets are really swell,
they end lives and makes things well,
take a bullet to the brain,
It'll end your pain,
Cause i don't believe in hell.